Cannot Uninstall avast! Home Edition? Even if avast! Home Edition has been widely used by worldwide users, some of them may experience obscure system problems which need them to uninstall it only. If you have been encountering complicated issues associated with avast! Home Edition, you may consider applying efficient method to totally uninstall it.
Important Note! Before performing the removal activities of avast! Home Edition, you may consider finishing the tasks below:
- Make sure to log on your PC as the administrator.
- Disable the associated files of avast! Home Edition from Windows Task Manager.
- Create a full registry backup for the whole Windows registry to prevent further complicated problems when the critical system files has been damaged.
- Stop running Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer which have the ability to annoy the PC to uninstall avast! Home Edition.
Free Download: Uninstaller avast! Home Edition Now!
(Completely remove the avast! Home Edition)
How to uninstall avast! Home Edition completely from your computer?
Method One: Uninstall avast! Home Edition by Windows Add/Remove utility.
On purpose to uninstall avast! Home Edition instantly, you may consider enable the Windows Add/Remove utility on your computer to help you. You can follow the steps to uninstall avast! Home Edition with Windows Add/Remove utility if you are using Windows XP operationg system:
- Step One: Once you have found out that avast! Home Edition is running at the background, you may consider
firstly disabling it from Windows Task Manager. - Step Two: Click Start, go to Control Panel.
- Step Three: Enable Windows Add/Remove utility.
- Step Four: Find out avast! Home Edition, scroll to it. Click "Remove".
- Step Five: Follow the provided uninstall guide to remove it.
- Click Start, and then select Control Panel.
- Click Programs, and then go to Programs and Features.
- Find out avast! Home Edition option and then click Uninstall to remove it.
Why is it so difficult to totally uninstall avast! Home Edition?
The manual removal of avast! Home Edition is not always efficient because it requires you to completely deleting the registry values and associated files of avast! Home Edition. Windows registry serves as one of the critical parts of the system which is designed to save crucial system setting. Once you make any mistakes or errors during the removal process of registry values, they may severely damage the Windows registry and result in further obscure system problems, including undesirable Blue Screen of Death errors, unpredictable system shutdown, sharp decrease of system performance and increasing times of program crashes.
Encountering errors when uninstalling avast! Home Edition?
Even if you have much computer experience or you are a highly practiced PC user, it is not recommended to uninstall avast! Home Edition with the manual solutin. This is in virtue of the obscure error messages generates by any incorrect uninstall activities when uninstalling avast! Home Edition:
a.Runtime error messages:
Runtime error occurs when PC users are performing incorrect activities on certain programs. It is used to prevent program from running properly. The irregular uninstall of avast! Home Edition is capable of generating runtime errors on your computer.
Problem takes place in the uninstall process of avast! Home Edition is the big reason for Windows Installer errors. Once the uninstall process of avast! Home Edition fails to locate certain files of avast! Home Edition and remove them, the Windows installer error will pop up as soon as possible. Also it may occur when the system fails to execute certain files.
Free Download: Uninstaller avast! Home Edition Now!
(Completely remove the avast! Home Edition)
Method Two: Uninstall avast! Home Edition with Wise Uninstaller "Normal Uninstall" option
The safest and the most efficient method to uninstall avast! Home Edition is to enable a trusted and powerful uninstall tool on your computer. The trusted and powerful uninstall tool combines with a list of professional uninstall utilities which are designed to help you totally uninstall any kinds of program without any system damage. With Wise Uninstaller, you are empowered to completely uninstall any kinds of software by the aids of wiping out undesirable associated files and registry values which can drastically reduce system performance and trigger a set of further obscure problems.
Once you fail to uninstall avast! Home Edition with the manaul removal solution, you can try to uninstall it by the help of Wise Uninstaller:
- Run Wise Uninstaller.
- Find out avast! Home Edition. Scroll to it.
- Click the “Normal Uninstall” option on the Wise Uninstaller control panel.
- Click “OK” to proceed the uninstall task.
Method Three: Force Uninstall avast! Home Edition
To help you completely uninstall avast! Home Edition, Wise Uninstaller offer you further powerful uninstall solution. You can follow the steps to uninstall avast! Home Edition:
- Run Wise Uninstaller.
- Find out "Force & Full Remove" option and then click it.
- Click the “Program Remover” option on the control panel.
- Find out avast! Home Edition and then scroll to it.
- Right click on "Ask Toolbar" tab and then click "Move To."
- Select " Continue" to proceed the uninstall task.
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